Tag: email

122023. Apr.

Why use seperate e-mail hosting?

Nowadays, it is essential to use some kind of e-mail service, both as an individual and a company. Everybody knows and uses the free e-mail services of Google Gmail or Yahoo, for example. In many cases, it is worth using separate, professional e-mail hosting. What is e-mail hosting? Our company’s server provides a professional e-mail hosting service. Most importantly, you can attach multiple domains to […]

212020. Jul.

Why the own domain based email address more effective?

If your company is using free e-mail services, you are keeping your brand back from growing. Use a domain name-specific, professional e-mail address instead and get the benefits! Professional e-mail addresses include the domain name and have some benefits:  Conveys the right image If you want your business to be taken seriously, forget about free e-mail addresses instead they should match the domain name of […]