03Apr, 2024

The key to European business success is the .eu domain

Online presence is critical for companies and a suitable domain name is the best tool to establish it.

What makes the .eu domain extension so attractive?

One of the biggest advantages of the .eu domain is that it is a name certified and recognized by the European Union. In this way, businesses with a .eu domain name automatically increase their credibility in the European market. For buyers, the .eu domain is also a sign of quality, which shows that the company takes the European market seriously and complies with EU standards. In addition to lending credibility to businesses, it helps you reach your European target audience more easily.

A well-chosen .eu domain can help your business strengthen its position and increase its online presence. Many start-ups choose this, they are also perfect for inspiration! In addition to the .eu domain ending, register a ccTLD related to your country.

We recommend that if you want to break into the European market, expand and target new target audiences, it might be worth registering a .eu domain name, you can register it with us without any problems.

Websites with the .eu domain have the opportunity to participate in the annual Web Awards competition organized by the EURID registry. This competition awards online projects and websites with a .eu domain name, giving them the chance to showcase their work and ideas and receive international recognition and awards. We encourage as many websites with a .eu domain name in Hungarian as possible to join and aim for prizes.

If you have any questions about .eu domain registration or would like to get more information before registration, feel free to contact our colleagues!