12Dec, 2022

Why should you update the WordPress to the newest version?

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS system platforms among companies and individuals. Many of our customers use it, so the following short article about updates may be helpful.

We have to update WordPress similar to the different applications and software regularly, this is essential to keep your website functional, fast and secure.

Increase security

The top priority of WordPress website owners is to increase security, WP is exposed to many bugs and vulnerabilities, and the goal of the updates is to fix these bugs. You need to update not only the CMS system but also the theme and plugins used by the website. WordPress’ open-source code allows anyone, even hackers, to study the source code, so it is important to use the latest version.

New functions

Updates offer new functions or improve existing functions, which make the website faster and more manageable. On the official website of WordPress, it is always available the latest updates. It is important to remember that the latest versions often run more slowly, so the website can’t provide visitors with a good experience.

Pre-updates steps

We have already mentioned that the updates are always available on the website of WordPress, so it is worth always checking what they contain and what errors may occur.

The most important thing is to make a backup of your website before every update because if any problems occur during the update, you can restore the website to the state before the update.

It is a good idea to turn off the plugins during the update, too many plugins can mess up the system. Of course, you can turn on them back after the update.

WordPress manually updating

Open the admin interface of your WordPress website and click the Dashboard menu >>> Updates option, here you can see the updates of the system, themes and plugins. If you click on Please update now option, the update will start.

Automatic Updates

WordPress allows you can enable the automatic updates of the system, themes and plug-ins, in this case, WordPress sends a notification when the update has taken place. By default, WordPress is updated automatically (above 3.7. version), but of course, you can turn off it, we usually recommend this, so the automatic updates don’t cause problems.

Source: https://passwordprotectwp.com/update-wordpress-to-latest-version/, https://www.eurodns.com/blog/how-to-update-wordpress