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How to connect the database with SSH tunnel

For development purposes, we provide SSH access to our MySQL server from the Plus hosting package.

To create a connection, you must create an SSH key pair on the cPanel interface. Then we can use PuTTY to connect to SSH through the SSH protocol, but the tuner must be set before the connection.

To do this, follow these steps:


  1. In the left part of the window, select Connection/SSH and within the Tunnels section.
  2. In the Add new forwarded port section, in the Source port field, enter 3306 port number. For Destination, enter localhost:3306, and then click Add.
  3. After entering the data, click the Open button. In the window that appears, enter your storage ID and the SSH key password.

With these settings, you can see your databases connected to the localhost: 3306 port, as long as the connection established with PuTTY is not disconnected.