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Setting up Mac Mail

Create a mailbox! (How to create E-mailbox in cPanel?)

After creating the mailbox, in the cPanel interface, under Email Accounts in the Mail box, scroll down to Email Accounts and click Set Up Mail Client. cPanel will display the information required for setup.

If you want to use the mail.yourdomain.tld server in the description, replace it with your own domain name.

If you want to use the server, enter your cPanel username instead of hostingID.


Start the Mail app, if you have not set up a mailbox previously, then the mailbox setup option will be displayed.

Choose a Mail account provider...

Choose a Mail account provider…

As first step check Other Mail Account… option, then click on Continue button.

Other Mail Account...

Other Mail Account…

In the next window, enter your name, you can write anything here, but it’s a good idea to provide an ID and a name that will allow those who send you a letter to identify you. So this name will be sent as the sender name to those who receive you email. You will then need to enter the email address as well as the password set for that mailbox that you created on cPanel.

Add a Mail account

Add a Mail account

After that click on Sign In button. The mail client attempts to connect to the mailbox based on the data provided, if it does not succeed, the following window will appear:

Sign in

Sign in

In the window Incoming Mail Server: and in Outgoing Mail Server: fields, enter the mail server that will be as follows:

In the image or above, you’ll need to enter the user name for the cPanel interface. You can look for The cPanel login name at site as it follows:

  1. After logging in, click on the Services / My Services menu in the top menu bar.
  2. On the page that appears, click on the Active button at the end of the hosting service line which belongs to the domain name.
  3. In the middle of the page, you can find the cPanel username under the Hosting Information tab.

Once you have entered the data, click again on Sign In button.

Select the apps you want to use with this account:

Select the apps you want to use with this account:

As a final step, click on Done button.


The settings for the set mailbox are located within Mail app, in the Mail menu Accounts… menu. If a mailbox is already set up in your Mail app, you can set up a new account here:

Mail / Accounts... menu

Mail / Accounts… menu


On the appearing Internet Accounts window, you can find a + mark at the lower left corner of the window, with this you can add a new mailbox to the Mail client or modify some of the existing accounts.

Internet Accounts

Internet Accounts

If you click on an existing account you will have the option to:

  • to change the mailbox name within Mail app
  • to change the name displayed at the sender name
  • to change the sender’s email address
  • to change the password for the mailbox
Internet Accounts - Mail setup

Internet Accounts – Mail setup

Click on Advanced … button to modify the incoming mail server.

Internet Accounts - Mail setup - Advanced...

Internet Accounts – Mail setup – Advanced…


By clicking Mail in the Mail app, you can click on Preferences … to customize your mailbox.

Mail / Prefetences... menu

Mail / Prefetences… menu


Accounts popup

Accounts popup


You can enable or disable that mailbox, which is useful if your account is set up on multiple devices, but a password has been changed for that account.

Mail Behaviors

Mail Behaviors


You can specify which folders the client should use in the mailbox.

Server settings

Server settings


On the Server Settings tab, you can change the incoming and outgoing mail server settings.

IMAP path prefix

IMAP Path Prefix