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How to set the SSL certificate for my site

If the certificate was previously installed on storage, you can configure it through the cPaneles interface as follows:

  1. Log on to the cPanel interface and find and click on SSL/TLS in the Security box.
  2. On the page that appears, select the Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS).
  3. Once the page has been loaded, locate the Install an SSL Website section and select the Domain name under Domain label from the drop-down list and click Autofill by Domain button.
  4. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Install Certificate button.

The server then installs the certificate to that page, and from then on, the affected domain name can be accessed through HTTP and HTTPS.

By installing the certificate, the current http:// links will not automatically be changed, so you have to provide for redirects to the http:// protocol for https://.

For more information on setting forwarding, see:

If the certificate was previously installed on storage, you can configure it through the cPaneles interface as follows:
Log on to the cPanel interface and find and click on SSL / TLS Manager in the Security box.On the page that appears, select the Manage SSLs site under SSL installation and management for your site (HTTPS).Once the page has been loaded, locate the SSL site installation section and select the domain name under Domain Name from the drop-down list and click Auto-fill Domain Name button.Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Install Certificate button.
The server then installs the certificate to that page, and from then on, the affected domain name can be accessed through HTTP and HTTPS.
Warning: By installing the certificate, the current http: // links will not automatically be changed, so you have to provide for redirects to the http: // protocol for https: //.
For more information on setting forwarding, see: