18May, 2020

.hu contract digital signature: quick and easy

To this day, few people know and use AVDH, which is a digital document signature procedure. Using it, we can create digital documents with full probative value online, without any tools or witnesses. Central customer gateway access is required to use the service. We present this solution in detail, as it is even more important at the time of the COVID-19.

It is very important for our company that existing and future clients get to know this service. Both individuals and companies can sign the required contracts for .hu domains with this method.

AVDH works by authenticating the announcement of a natural person with a customer gateway with an enhanced security electronic stamp based on a qualified certificate, as well as a qualified time stamp.

Instructions of use:

  1. Open this link: https://magyarorszag.hu/szuf_avdh_feltoltes
  2. Choose the document from your computer!
  3. Tick the authentically PDF option and accept the ÁSZF!
  4. Press the “Upload Document” button!
  5. If you weren’t logged in, then use the customer gateway option!
  6. Download the certified document!

We believe this is an extremely useful feature, feel free to use it for your contracts.

Specification about the AVDH:  https://magyarorszag.hu/szuf_fooldal#ugyleiras,d04b7961-0f08-46f1-8f0b-bcd8133562be