15Dec, 2021

Domain name generators comparison

We haven’t found a suitable domain name generator in Hungary, but there are some right English pages where we can get ideas and inspiration. We tried a few, we used the words “christmas” and “gift” as keywords because these generators can give good ideas for English words, and we thought that these two words could be used to create relevant domain names for Hungarian target groups as well. So let’s look at the different generators!


Panabee works best when you enter two keywords, so you type the words “christmas” and “gift” and set .COM as the default extension. When searching, it discards whether the default name is available and at which extension is available.

I really liked that Panabee also gave me creative names on a topic like the words. The generator also generates domain name ideas by swapping letters, adding prepositions and other words. There are several of these, which can be a great choice.


The second generator is also very easy to use and has a minimalist look. We typed both keywords, then clicked on the domain generator option, and after that, we dropped countless options by adding other words. You can save individual domain name ideas, view price changes, and listen to the pronunciation.


It also has a simpler interface, creating domain name ideas by combining the two keywords plus adding other words.

What I really liked was that ideas that sounded like a “christmas gift” word structure were also listed.


This page basically checks the keywords in .COM extension and then shows you if it’s available. When searching, you can set it to search only in the Generator or in the Extensions.

Basically, all four domain name generators are easy to use, it’s worth a try for more, as there is plenty of ideas and inspiration to get. Our favourite is Panabee.com, which has the most structured search engine, publishes the results grouped separately, and the “AI Powered” ideas were very good.

Main photo: AbsolutVision / Unsplash